Honoring Creativity in Higher Education
What is alt.Honors?
alt.Honors is a project that seeks to honor students’ creativity as much as earning a high GPA. We honor creative work both inside and outside of the classroom.
Why alt.Honors?
Creativity is the currency of the future economy, and central to leading a productive and happy life. We exist to encourage and reward students’ creativity.
How Does It Work?
Students can apply for an alt.Honors certificate through the Digital Badges initiative at the University of Illinois. After a student has taken a course and passed with a C or better, they submit project work done in the course as evidence of their creativity.
After completing a course in the alt.Honors database and submitting their work, a student earns a digital badge. After three digital badges, the student will receive a Bronze alt.Honors certificate. Additional alt.Honors courses will earn Silver and Gold certificates.
alt.Honor values creativity and making as ways of knowing. Courses that require creative projects and cross-disciplinary thinking will be the first to be placed in the alt.Honors database. Other courses within one discipline will be added later.
alt.Honors badges and certificates will give students valuable creativity credentials that will help them stand out in the workplace, as well as give encouragement and a sense of worth that will motivate lifelong creative achievement.
alt.Honors encourages students to explore what really motivates their creativity, which can lead to life-changing experiences!
I’m so excited to be in the alt.Honors program because now I can get recognition for my creativity, both in and out of classes at the university!